Having your own business means more that earning a lot of money or exploiting people (as a lot of people would suggest) - also does not mean that you got a lot of people that is actually providing value or money for you - in fact the most relevant fact that it happens is that you are very busy in organizing everyone, in tracking your performance, sells, ROI, optimizing all the processes in the company and getting a lot of nights without sleep.
In regards of this aspect I will give you an example related to how I managed to cut expenses with marketing department efforts, and also how I have improved the look to book ratio of the people that were visiting our properties. Basically - now I need less visits to actually sell a house or an apartment.
How did I did this?
Oh well... it was pretty simple - I simply looked for a software for real estate virtual tours, and I have found tourwizard.net, which is in fact the best software that I have seen in terms of ease of use.
It is incredible how easy can be even for my veteran real estate agents to create those virtual tours with ease and how simple it is to promote those virtual tours as social media embeded listing, or as links sent through emails.
So... I am wondering how happend that from a team of 30 real estate agents interested in promoting this software, only I was able to think about creating virtual tours in order to improve our listing content, relevance and company image in the market.
vineri, 29 aprilie 2016
vineri, 15 aprilie 2016
Iata de ce recomand oricui o vacanta charter in Corfu
oricui o vacanta charter in Corfu pentru ca este o destinatie care se ridica
peste orice alta statiune romaneasca la toate capitolele, de la
profesionalismul autoritatilor grecesti la angajatii unitatilor de cazare. Cu
toate ca preturile pot fi chiar mai reduse in Grecia decat in Romania, se pare
ca multi inca prefera sa se ingramadeasca pe plajele noastre pline de gunoaie,
in timp ce in Corfu pot avea parte de o vacanta linistita, lipsita de stres si
petrecut aici 8 nopti alaturi de iubita mea, la un hotel de 4 stele, in cele
mai bune conditii si am avut parte de toate dotarile, de la internet wireless
care chiar functiona multumitor, aer conditionat, seif, mic dejun etc. Plaja
era la doar 50 de metri distanta, iar la tot pasul gaseam baruri, terase,
restaurante, magazine, boutique-uri de unde iti puteai cumpara de toate. Chiar
si la capitolul shopping Grecia sta mult mai bine ca tara noastra, deoarece
magazinele sunt mult mai variate, iar preturile mai scazute.
daca multi turisti pot evita Grecia in aceasta perioada din cauza problemei cu
refugiatii, am observat ca in statiuni nu exista nicio problema, acestia
regasindu-se mai mult in cadrul localitatilor de frontiera. In piata centrala a
orasului erau cateva muzee care meritau vizitate si se gaseau multe fast
food-uri unde erau oricand pregatite tot felul de bucate specifice grecesti.
plus, Corfu se poate dovedi a fi o destinatie ideala pentru tineri, deoarece in
fiecare seara se organizeaza diferite evenimente in baruri si restaurante.
Familiile cu copii am observat ca au locurile lor destinate, astfel ca acestia
nu interactioneaza niciodata cu tinerii. In weekend, pe la amiaza centrul
orasului este foarte imbulzit deoarece se organizeaza numeroase targuri, un fel
de bazar unde toti mestesugarii isi expun produsele, de la suveniruri, la
articole de imbracaminte sau bijuterii, in timp ce preturile sunt destul de
miercuri, 6 aprilie 2016
Opinion about the Londonredlight Agency
Oh well... this can be a very tough subject, as this activity that I am talking about is not one of the activities you are going to talk about in an open way, and also there is not the kind of thing that you will use to engage in a discussion, while it is a lot easier to write a short (or long) blog post.
Well... it is about the escort industry in London, which seems to be very developed and growing a lot in the last couple of years - as I am sure that it is going to grow as well in the next couple of years.
Unfortunately along with growing, in all the industries there are a lot of opportunities, there is a lot of change, there are a lot of issues from a know how perspective for all the companies involved in that speciffic kind of business - so wile the companies are trying to invent themselves, to understand how the market works and in what direction they should go, I have to say that the people from the Londonredlight Agency are doing a really great job.
And more than that, they have redefined the online escort business with a great platform that offers all the necessary info about the girls to anyone who is visiting that platform. Basically all the availability can be seen in real time, all the things that can be considered services are very well explained an pointed towards each individual, which is really great from a consumer point of view and if I am looking at those things from a consumer point of view, I am sure that things can go in a great direction for everyone.
Also, this industry is lucrative enough so it can attract vrey reach people, it can involve also very smart technicians, due to the fact that there are a lot of money in that industry, so it will be worthwile to keep an eye on that technology.
Well... it is about the escort industry in London, which seems to be very developed and growing a lot in the last couple of years - as I am sure that it is going to grow as well in the next couple of years.
Unfortunately along with growing, in all the industries there are a lot of opportunities, there is a lot of change, there are a lot of issues from a know how perspective for all the companies involved in that speciffic kind of business - so wile the companies are trying to invent themselves, to understand how the market works and in what direction they should go, I have to say that the people from the Londonredlight Agency are doing a really great job.
And more than that, they have redefined the online escort business with a great platform that offers all the necessary info about the girls to anyone who is visiting that platform. Basically all the availability can be seen in real time, all the things that can be considered services are very well explained an pointed towards each individual, which is really great from a consumer point of view and if I am looking at those things from a consumer point of view, I am sure that things can go in a great direction for everyone.
Also, this industry is lucrative enough so it can attract vrey reach people, it can involve also very smart technicians, due to the fact that there are a lot of money in that industry, so it will be worthwile to keep an eye on that technology.
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